Why is it human nature that we resist change in our lives? Is it fear of the unknown or getting too set in our ways? I think it is a combination of both. How we embrace change reflects how we see the world. Is the glass half empty of half full!? Does it matter if we are risk takers or enjoy new adventures and challenges? I know by nature I am not a risk taker. For 39 years I didn't have a lot of change in my life. For the last 7 years-my life has been nothing but changes in direction and bumps in the road. But, every time change knocks at my door there is so blessing waiting around the corner. Many times it is not apparent at first-it usually hits me when I am looking in the rear view mirror. When I think that I cannot handle one more change-the situation always finds a way to work itself out-and that is usually do to prayer.
When I have been in my darkest hours .......prayer has been my saving grace. The power of prayer can touch your life in amazing ways. Trust in the lord and he will guide your path.