I have never watched a political convention with so much interest and emotion. I have been glued to the television set each evening for the past three days. It has been quite a journey.......one that is just beginning.
I have shed tears for Ted Kennedy who dying of cancer, found a way to make it to the convention to support Barack Obama. I cannot describe the emotion I felt when I saw how proud Chelsea Clinton was of her mother. A woman who continues to break the glass ceiling and makes inroads for all women. Regardless of political party, I have felt very proud to be an American by the movement of change that is being called for in this country.
Over the years, I have been asked on several occasions how I can support the democratic platform based on the tax bracket I am in. I am shocked by these questions......because I cannot forget where I came from or that others may be less fortunate than me. While I may have been raised in a middle-class household it is apparent that hard work isn't always enough to get ahead. Unemployment, low paying jobs, lack of health care, and weak family structures make it difficult to get ahead by just hard work.
I believe that for whom much is given, much is expected. That it is my responsibility to reach back and help those less fortunate than I . That is why this election means so much to me. I recognize that now is the time for change. Let's not settle for the status quo while people are struggling to keep their houses, to feed their family, and keep their jobs. As Barack Obama said this evening "America We Must Stand Up." Stand up for those less fortunate who too want to have a renewed hope in our country. While we all might have different political ideologies can we all agree that America needs a brighter future? That if each of use does our part we can renew the American dream. What can each of us do (in our own way) to bring about a change in America?