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Less is more!!! good job!!!

I LOVE that tree!!! it is so gorgeous and so healthy, unlike our trees here that we have a 50/50 chance it might have been spray painted. :-)

Jen @ The Cottage Nest

I really admire your pledge to buy handmade and local. I've done much more of that this year than ever before but still have some progress to make. It's hard with young kids.

By the way, that pink coat picture was one I found on someone else's blog and not exactly like the coat I had seen. It turns out they are both from Anthropolgie though from last year and the year before. Now I'm just watching ebay hoping to find one in my size.

Love your cheery Christmas music this morning! Jen

britt- sparkledvintagecharm

looks like you had a fun time with your family!! :-) I hope you have a fantastic day!! hugs!! xo Britt :-)

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